How To Wire Funds To AngelList via Wise
A guide on how you can send funds to AngelList over using ACH, via Wise (formerly Transferwise). Created this because I didn't find any other guide online when I was trying to do this for the first time, and want to make sure you feel safe while doing it, especially
How To Change The Display Name On Google Calendar Invites
A simple three-step process (takes 30 seconds) to solve the question, "How can I change my name in Google Calendar invites?"
How to Delegate For Success: A Guide To Effective Delegation
A tactical, step-by-step guide on how to delegate effectively as a leader.
Text Shortcuts: Type Faster And Repeat Yourself Less
Ever spend time typing the same thing over & over again? I used to! One of the best things I've done for my productivity is using text shortcuts to avoid repetitive typing as much as possible. This has helped me cut down on time spent and reduce potential errors.
Useful Weirdness
"That thing that made you weird as a kid could make you great as an adult — if you don’t lose it" - Kevin KellyHas it ever occurred to you that things people used to judge you for (or laugh at you for) could very well be signs of brilliance?

How To Sync Your Personal & Work Calendar For Free (Google Calendar)
Step-by-step guide that shows you how to automatically block off time in your work calendar when events are created on your personal calendar, for free.
No-Code Companies & Funds Raised
A list of no-code startups that have received funding, and where possible, their current valuations, updated regularly.